Implementation Timeline
The primary focus of the Coastal Stormwater Discharge Analysis project was to identify the Commission’s most critical and vulnerable outfalls and develop conceptual adaptation solutions at a subset of these outfalls. However, it is important to recognize that the Commission’s stormwater system depends on the functionality of several hundred outfalls that are located throughout the City. To address the less critical - but still vulnerable - outfalls that were not advanced to the conceptual design phase of this project, an Implementation Timeline was developed that can be used as a “roadmap” to adapt these remaining Commission-owned outfalls. The Implementation Timeline groups outfall adaptation solutions into three time periods, based on the implementation time period chosen by Climate Ready Boston for the section of shoreline that the outfalls are along. The three time periods are:
Near Term - between now and 2030,
Mid Term - between 2030 and 2050
Long term - between 2050 and 2070
As Climate Ready Boston continues to update and refine their plans for coastal flood protection, the timeline for implementation for these projects will need to change as well. Climate Ready Boston's presently-completed and planned solutions for coastal flood protection are integral parts of every solution designed for the outfalls in the Implementation Timeline.
A total of 66 Commission outfalls were identified for inclusion in the Implementation Timeline. A key objective when identifying a potential solution for each of the Implementation Timeline outfalls was replication of design concepts developed for the projects described in Solutions and Adaptations. The solutions identified for outfalls included in the Implementation Timeline can be classified into the following categories:

Interactive Mapping
Below is an interactive map of the locations and tributary areas of outfalls included in the Implementation Timeline. The map also displays locations and tributary areas of outfalls included in the Conceptual Designs. Click on the outfalls and tributary areas to see information about proposed projects.